17th Century


William Barnard is born.

28 February 1636

Alexander Thomsone is christened in Dyke, Scotland. Sources: 1


Nathaniel Barnard is born to William Barnard.

18 July 1678

Issabell Rosse and Alexander Thomsone marry in Duffus, Scotland. Sources: 1

6 April 1679

Alexander Thomsone is christened in Duffus, Scotland. Sources: 1


William Barnard dies.

3 September 1684

John Thomson is christened in Duffus, Scotland. Sources: 1

27 August 1686

Margaret Thomsone is christened in Duffus, Scotland. Sources: 1

18 April 1689

Jean Thomsone is christened in Duffus, Scotland. Sources: 1

1 March 1691

Issabell Thomson is christened in Duffus, Scotland. Sources: 1