31 January 1873
William Murdoch Girvan ♂ is born to Janet Davidson ♀ and William Murdoch Girvan ♂ in Sorn, Scotland. Sources: 2
Scotland, Statutory Registration of Deaths, 1855-2016
National Records of Scotland
Death of William Murdoch Girvan (farmer, male, 79 years) on 2 October 1952 at 32 Hunter's Avenue, Ayr. Married to Hannah Lindsay Wilson. Main residence: Glenfalloch Farm, Ardlui, Perthshire. Son of William Murdoch Girvan (farmer, deceased) and Janet Davidson (deceased). Cause of death: Coronary Thrombosis. Informant: W.M. Girvan (son, present) of Jordonlaw Farm, Westruther, Gordon, Berwickshire.
31 January 1873
William Murdoch Girvan ♂ is born to Janet Davidson ♀ and William Murdoch Girvan ♂ in Sorn, Scotland. Sources: 2
William Murdoch Girvan ♂ is born to William Murdoch Girvan ♂ and Hannah Lindsay Wilson ♀ in Kirkmahoe, Scotland. Sources: 1
2 June 1897
William Murdoch Girvan ♂ and Hannah Lindsay Wilson ♀ marry in Sorn, Scotland. Sources: 2
2 October 1952
William Murdoch Girvan ♂ dies at 32, Hunter's Avenue, Ayr, Scotland. Sources: 1