Isobel Laird

Female ()

Also Known As


Family Tree


Date Unknown

Date Unknown

Isobel Laird and William Thomson marry.

Date Unknown

John Thomson is born to Isobel Laird and William Thomson in Old Duffus, Scotland. Sources: 1

Date Unknown

Margaret Thomson is born to Isobel Laird and William Thomson in Old Duffus, Scotland. Sources: 1

Date Unknown

William Thomson is born to Isobel Laird and William Thomson in Old Duffus, Scotland. Sources: 1

Date Unknown

Jean Thomson is born to Isobel Laird and William Thomson in Old Duffus, Scotland. Sources: 1

Date Unknown

Robert Thomson is born to Isobel Laird and William Thomson in Quarrywood, Scotland. Sources: 1

Date Unknown

Isabel Thomson is born to Isobel Laird and William Thomson in Quarrywood, Scotland. Sources: 1

Date Known

26 May 1787

Elspet Thomson is born to Isobel Laird and William Thomson in Quarrywood, Scotland. Sources: 1

28 March 1790

Janet Thomson is born to Isobel Laird and William Thomson in Quarrywood, Scotland. Sources: 1

26 August 1792

William Thomson is born to Isobel Laird and William Thomson in Quarrywood, Scotland. Sources: 1

