Last Will and Testament of Edward Barnard


Piece 2206: Vol· 3, Quire Numbers 101-150 (1855)

Serial Publication

Wills Proved at Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 1384-1858

Issue Date

20 February 1855



This is the last Will and Testament of me Edward Barnard of Claremont Square Pentonville I desire that I may be interred in a plain [undeciphered] in the Bunhill Fields Burying Grounds in the City Road in the same Grave in which my father and mother were buried I [undeciphered] that all my [undeciphered] and funeral expenses and the expenses of proving this my will may be paid with all [undeciphered] [undeciphered] speed after my decease and out of my estate and efforts as follows whereas [undeciphered] of Edward Barnard and Sons of Angel Street City of London [undeciphered] to me in the sum of Six thousand pounds and which sum is [undeciphered] by them in the deed of my Separation from them and mutual release My will is that the said sum shall [undeciphered] in their hands at interest til twelve months after my decease whereas I [undeciphered] [undeciphered] dwelling house No. 18 Henry street Pentonville let at this time to Mr Neville Smith at £38 p[er] annum Also the sum of three hundred pounds [undeciphered] to Mr Will Reid as [undeciphered] left to his wife All the above my property I [undeciphered] in trust to my Son Edward Barnard of Angel Street City of London and to my dear friend Thomas Boosey of Holles Street Oxford Street to them their [undeciphered] or [undeciphered] that they the said Edward Barnard and Thomas Boosey and the survivor of them shall as the same properties [undeciphered] invest the same at interest upon [undeciphered] or [undeciphered] I bequeath to my dear wife the sum of three hundred pounds per annum to be received quarterly [undeciphered] [undeciphered] of all [undeciphered] during our life I also give to my said wife absolutely all my household furniture plate jewels rings books china clothes and all and singular my household effects I bequeath and owe to my Son George Barnard the sum of five hundred pounds above and beyond an equal share of the residue of my property I bequeath and give [undeciphered] my two Granddaughters Ann Margery and to Caroline Daughters of Mr William Reid [undeciphered] [undeciphered] the sum of one hundred pounds in [undeciphered] of their affectcionate care of [undeciphered] [undeciphered] owing [undeciphered] to be paid to them or their representative [undeciphered] months after my decease immediately afater the decease of my dear wife my said trustees Edward Barnard and Thomas Boosey shall hand [undeciphered] of all the said [undeciphered] [undeciphered] or securities and also all household furniture and other items not given or [undeciphered] willed away owing the life of my said wife to apply and dispose of the same with the [undeciphered] I bequeath and give after all my just [undeciphered] and [undeciphered] [undeciphered] the whole of the residue of my [undeciphered] equally among my eight children namely Mary wife of William Reid Elizabeth wife of David Reid Edward and John Barnard Sarah wife of Michael Faraday William Barnard Charlotte wife of George Buchanan and George Barnard or their [undeciphered] or [undeciphered] in equal shares and proportions as [undeciphered] and not as joint [undeciphered] by [undeciphered] that is the trustees in this my will should [undeciphered] desirous to be relieved from the said trusts before they shall be fully executed then it shall be lawful for the said trustee or trustees to nominate in writing sealed and delivered and attested by two or more reliable witnesses a fit person as trustee in the stead of the trustee [undeciphered] or desiring to be releived and upon such appointment the trustee so appointed shall be put into [undeciphered] of the will and to be [undeciphered] that its provisions have been so far carried into effect agreeable to the intentions of the testator so that the same [undeciphered] be legally and [undeciphered] vested jointly with the surviving trustee provided always that the trustees of this my will [undeciphered] and shall only be [undeciphered] for such monies as [undeciphered] shall actually [undeciphered] by virtue of the trusts and also that it [undeciphered] lawful for them out of the monies that shall come into their hands by virtue of these [undeciphered] to reimburse [undeciphered] for all costs [undeciphered] and expenses sustained on account of the said trusts [undeciphered] I hereby appoint my Son Edward Barnard and my friend Thomas Boosey Executors of this my will [undeciphered] any [undeciphered] Will or Writing and request care of them to accept the sum of ten pounds as a token of my [undeciphered] In [undeciphered] [undeciphered] said Edward Barnard testator have to this my last Will and Testament [undeciphered] my hand [undeciphered] this 1st of April 1812 [signed Edward Barnard] and testament in the [undeciphered] of us who in this [undeciphered] at this request and in the [undeciphered] [undeciphered] of each other have [undeciphered] to the [undeciphered] [undeciphered]

Codicil to the above Will I owe and bequeath to my dear friend Mr Thomas Boosey the sum of fifty pounds In trust for our poor friends and members of the Church of [undeciphered] to my Executors Edward Barnard and Thomas Boosey [undeciphered] sum of [undeciphered] poinds each in addition to that mentioned in my will above writes [undeciphered] as it hath [undeciphered] to take away my dear wife before myself that my said executors will give out of my household furniture and effects what they may consider a suitable remembrance of their [undeciphered] affection for us both and as [undeciphered] humbly mourning [undeciphered] and wish them to be accepted by themselves and any of the friends to whom the departed were dear I also owe to my Granddaughter Mary Barnard Reid now visiting with me the sum of fifty pounds as a final remembrance of the many and [undeciphered] [undeciphered] during many years for [undeciphered] or [undeciphered] Also to my Servant Mary [undeciphered] [undeciphered] and to my Neice Mary Barnard now in my service I give to each the sum of ten pounds I also request my executors to continue to pay or raise to be paid to the Widow of my brother Nathaniel Barnard or by an equivalent the sum of six shillings per week during her natural life and also the sum of [undeciphered] pounds quarterly for her rent as will appear by a statement now in my possesion [undeciphered] that they will receive the half yearly dividends arising from the sum of [undeciphered] in the Government stocks [undeciphered] rents in the [undeciphered] of Edward Barnard Edward Barnard Junior and William Barnard trustees to pay the said Elizabeth Barnard thus I do declare that neither of said Executors shall be answerable for the acts of the other nor for any efforts which have not come into their [undeciphered] respectively and that they shall at all times account and receive their expenses paid out of my estate I also give and bequeath to Martha Barnard the Widow of my Son William Barnard [undeciphered] deceased the sum of two hundred pounds in [undeciphered] of my dear son her late husband [undeciphered] for the 30th [undeciphered] - Edward Barnard - [undeciphered] - Signed sealed and published and [undeciphered] by the said testator [undeciphered] and for a Codicil to his said last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in this presence at his request and in the presence of each other have [undeciphered] our names as witnesses to the [undeciphered] execution thereof [undeciphered]

Proved at London with a codicil 20th February 1855 before the Worshipful [undeciphered] Thomas Pratt [undeciphered] of Laws and Surrogate by the oath of Edward Barnard Son and Thomas Boosey the Executors to whom [undeciphered] was granted having been first sworn only to [undeciphered].




Date Known

25 April 1792

Mary Barnard is born to Edward Barnard and Mary Boosey in St Nicholas Cole Abbey, England. Sources: 2

4 May 1794

Elizabeth Barnard is born to Edward Barnard and Mary Boosey at Bunhill Row, St Luke's, England. Sources: 3

1 February 1796

Edward Barnard is born to Edward Barnard and Mary Boosey at 33, Chapel Market, Pentonville, England. Sources: 3

11 December 1797

John Barnard is born to Edward Barnard and Mary Boosey at 33, Chapel Market, Pentonville, England. Sources: 3

7 January 1800

Sarah Barnard is born to Edward Barnard and Mary Boosey at 33, Chapel Market, Pentonville, England. Sources: 4

26 June 1801

William Barnard is born to Edward Barnard and Mary Boosey at 33, Chapel Market, Pentonville, England. Sources: 3

11 March 1807

George Barnard is born to Edward Barnard and Mary Boosey at Donegal Street, Pentonville, England. Sources: 2


Sarah Barnard and Michael Faraday marry. Sources: 1


Edward Barnard is buried at Bunhill Fields, Islington, England, in the same grave as his parents. Sources: 1

Date Unknown

Date Unknown

Mary Barnard and William Ker Reid marry. Sources: 1

Date Unknown

Caroline Reid is born to Mary Barnard and William Ker Reid. Sources: 1

Date Unknown

Elizabeth Barnard and David Reid marry. Sources: 1