4 February 1784
Edward Barnard ♂'s apprenticeship as a silversmith is transferred from Charles Wright to Thomas Chawner, both operating as goldsmiths at Ave Maria Lane, London, England. Sources: 1
Archive Collection
https://archiveshub.jisc.ac.uk/data/gb73-aad/1979/7:aad/1988/5:aad/2006/3:aad/2009/8 (retrieved: 13 Dec 2017)
4 February 1784
Edward Barnard ♂'s apprenticeship as a silversmith is transferred from Charles Wright to Thomas Chawner, both operating as goldsmiths at Ave Maria Lane, London, England. Sources: 1
Charles Wright amalgamates his silversmithing firm at Ave Maria Lane, London, England with that of a neighbouring goldsmith, Thomas Chawner and his son Henry Chawner. Edward Barnard ♂, Thomas' apprentice, becomes foreman of the company. Sources: 1
10 January 1798
Chawner retires from his silversmithing firm at Amen Corner, Ave Maria Lane, London, England and his partner, John Emes, becomes owner. Edward Barnard ♂ is made the firm's manager. Sources: 3
John Emes, silversmith, dies and his wife Rebecca inherits his business at Amen Corner, Ave Maria Lane, London, England. She enters into a partnership with the manager, Edward Barnard ♂ and the firm begins to trade as Emes & Barnard. Sources: 3
Rebecca Emes withdraws from Emes & Barnard and Edward Barnard ♂ becomes proprietor together with his sons Edward ♂, John ♂ and William ♂, trading under the name Edward Barnard & Sons. Sources: 1