December 1813
Michael Faradayββ travels with Humphrey Davy from Paris, France to tour Italy (and beyond).
December 1813
Michael Faradayββ travels with Humphrey Davy from Paris, France to tour Italy (and beyond).
June 1814
Humphrey Davy and Michael Faradayββ meet with fellow chemist Alessandro Volta in Milan, Italy.
30 January 1815
Michael Faradayββ attends a masquerade ball during Carnivale in Rome, Italy. Sources: 1
1 May 1929
S.S. Orford stops at Naples, Italy. Edward Allan Thomsonββ stays aboard, still recovering from flu. Jane Thomsonββ goes ashort to climbs Mount Vesuvious by electric train. βWe looked right down into the great old crater and in the middle of that was a small cone formed in the eruption of 1906. It was vomiting flame coloured smoke with explosions. There were spouts of steam and sulphur coming out from the sides of the crater.β Sources: 1
3 May 1929
At dawn, S.S. Orford passes Elba, Italy and Jane Shaw Blaikleyββ can see Corsica, France on the other side. By 10pm they have reached Toulon, France. βAnchored outside harbour, very cold.β Sources: 1