James Speid ♂ is born to Alexander Speid ♂ in Wick, Scotland. Sources: 1
James Speid ♂ is born to Alexander Speid ♂ in Wick, Scotland. Sources: 1
Jane Speid ♀ is born to Alexander Speid ♂ in Watten, Scotland. Sources: 1
27 September 1838
William Rickerd Speid ♂ is born to Alexander Speid ♂ in Watten, Scotland. Sources: 2
28 November 1840
Helen Webster Speid ♀ is born to Agnes Lyall ♀ and Alexander Speid ♂ at Dunbeath Castle, Dunbeath, Scotland. Sources: 2
3 February 1841
Helen Webster Speid ♀ is christened in Berriedale, Scotland. Sources: 1
6 November 1842
John Alexander Speid ♂ is born to Alexander Speid ♂ at Dunbeath Castle, Dunbeath, Scotland. Sources: 2
Agnes Speid ♀ is born to Alexander Speid ♂ in Latheron, Scotland. Sources: 1
Elizth P Speid ♀ is born to Alexander Speid ♂ in Reay, Scotland. Sources: 1