East Taieri Cemetery

Serial Publication

New Zealand Cemetery Records







Plan:Block W, Plot 685
Stone 1:

Agnes Allan wife of Hugh Hutchinson INGLIS 1866-1922

Hugh Hutchinson INGLIS 1866-1954

Stone 2:

and their daughter Kathleen Webster McDONALD 1897-1980


Plan:Block S, Plot 484, 501
Stone 1:



Stone 2:

In Memory Of Adam OLIVER, b. 1 Apr. 1824, d. 30 Mar. 1911

William OLIVER, b. 16 Sep. 1856, d. 23 Apr.1895

James OLIVER (interred at Wellington) b. 21 Dec. 1870, d. 7 Jun. 1895

Agnes Allan, widow of Adam OLIVER, b. 4 Jul. 1833, d. 27 Jun 1922

Arthur Johnson, d. 1 Apr. 1937

also his wife Isabella Scott OLIVER, d. 4 Sep. 1942

Tall grey granite stone.

Thomson & Co.


Plan:Block RC, Plot 72 & 73
Stone 1:

Sacred to the Memory of Isabella GRAHAM who was teacher for 12 years in East Taieri District School died 21 Nov 1875 aged 37 years.

also Joseph Allan infant son of John and Agnes GRAHAM died 16 Jan 1884 aged 7 weeks


Tall sandstone stone with inscription on white marble insert; an urn atop..

T. Thomson & Co., Moray Place

Stone 2:

In Loving Memory of John GRAHAM of Mataura Island born at Edinburgh 11 Mar 1847 died at Dunedin 15 Nov 1911

also of his brother Hugh GRAHAM who died at Brighton 26 Feb 1888 aged 49 years

also of their mother Margaret GRAGHAM who died at Brighton 16 Dec 1900 aged 86 years

and Agnes Tomlinson GRAHAM wife of John GRAHAM died at Seaward Downs 2 Apr 1932 aged 73 years

Right Side:

also of our dearly loved son L/Cpl Hugh William GRAHAM 8th Squadron CMR NZEF killed in action in Palestine 30 Mar 1918 buried at Hill 3039 near Ammam aged 22 years

For to Me to Live is Christ and to Die is Gain

Left Side:

also their daughter Henrietta S GRAHAM died 24 Oct 1947 aged 65 years


Square black granite column with loose urn atop

Kingsland & Ferguson, Invercargill

T. Thomson & Co., Moray Place


Plan:Block A, Plot 208 & 209
Stone 1:

In Loving Memory of William Allan 1869 - 1937 solicitor Dunedin beloved husband of Agnes Oliver Allan

and Agnes Oliver Allan 1870 - 1944

also their daughters Muriel Josephine 1899 - 1903

Margaret Sutcliffe 1914 - 1916

Stone 2:

In Loving Memory of the daughter of William and Agnes Allan: Frances Marion Marshall 23 Jan 1903 - 24 Aug 1991 wife of Charles Sime Marshall. At Rest in Timaru

Olive Agnes Alln 11 Jul 1904 - 20 Apr 1953


Plan:Block RA, Plot 87,86,85,84;96,97,98,99
Stone 1:

Sacred to the Memory of James Allan of Hopehill born Ayrshire Scotland 21 Jan 1824 died 5 Jul 1891

also his wife Jane Sutcliffe born Stockport England 7 Oct 1829 died 25 Jul 1923

also their daughter Henrietta Woodhead died 16 Aug 1950

also her husband George Edmund Woodhead died 16 Jun 1951

also of his son Adam Oliver born 25 Aug 1871 died 13 Apr 1873


Rejoicing in Hope. Rom XII: 12. In Hope of Eternal Life which God Promised. Tit. 1:2


Large white marble stone - H Palmer -

Stone 2:

In Loving Memory of Margaret Annie wife of Joseph Allan Hopehill Greytown died 9 Nov 1894 aged 30 years

Joseph Allan born 17 Dec 1858 died 17 Mar 1915.

I Am the Resurrection and the Life. John XI:25


Large white marble stone - H Palmer -

Stone 3:

In Loving Memory of Elizabeth wife of John Allan Taurima Taieri born 21 Jan 1859 died 25 Jul 1891

also of John Allan Taurima Taieri born 26 Dec 1850 died 27 Sep 1897

“Blessed are the Dead Which Die in the Lord”

also of Fanny Stewart Allan daughter of above born 24 Jun 1883 died 30 Jan 1954


Large white marble stone - H Palmer -

Stone 4:

Sacred to the Memory of Joseph Allan who died 28 Mar 1878 aged 49 years

also his daughter Isabella Margaret who died 21 Apr 1877 aged 1 year and 11 months

also his wife Henrietta Sutcliffe who died 4 Jun 1907 aged 73 years


Grey granite stone - in good condition in 1999 but very hard to read.

Stone 5:

John Allan Snr East Taieri 1791 - 1863

His wife Agnes Allan 1794 - 1891

John Allan Jnr 1831 - 1901

his wife Mary Jane Blackie 1843 - 1881

their sons John 1862 - 1882

William 1866 - 1938

their daughter Jean 1864 -1893


Black granite stone which backs Stone 6 on this site.

Stone 6:

Alexr McKay East Taieri 1802 - 1879

his wife Janet Allan 1821 - 1899

their family John 1850 - 1910

Agnes 1853-1886

Isabella 1857 - 1945

Elizabeth 1859 - 1947

Janet 1855 - 1948

Hector 1848 - 1882

his wife Elizabeth Stewart 1847 - 1941


Black granite stone.


Plan:Block S, Plot 485, 486; 503 & 502

In loving memory of William ALLAN M.B.C.M. died 5 May 1920 aged 57 years

also his wife Constance died 23 Jun 1921 aged 56 years

also William Douglas ALLAN died 3 Mar 1969

Ever Remembered by his wife and family.


Tall grey granite stone.


Plan:Block S, Plot 481

In Memory of David Lyall Christie 1844 - 1916

also his children Allan Edmund 1889 -1900

Frances L W 1891 - 1897

Harold H D 1898 - 1900

also Jane beloved wife of D L Christie died 27 Apr 1937 aged 77 years.

Even So Father For It So Seemed Good in thy Sight




Date Known

12 August 1802

Alexander McKay is born to Jean and Hector McKay in Clyne, Scotland. Sources: 1


Margaret is born. Sources: 1


Agnes Allan and John Allen marry in Kilmarnock, Scotland. Sources: 1


Janet Allan is born to Agnes Allan and John Allen in Scotland, United Kingdom. Sources: 1

21 January 1824

James Allan is born to Agnes Allan and John Allen in Kilmarnock, Scotland. Sources: 1

1 April 1824

Adam Oliver is born to Oliver and Scott at Upper Hindhope Farm, Roxburghshire, Scotland. Sources: 2


Joseph Allan is born to Agnes Allan and John Allen in Scotland, United Kingdom. Sources: 1

7 October 1829

Jane Sutcliffe is born to Richard Sutcliffe and Nancy Tomlinson in Heptonstall, England. Sources: 2


John Allan is born to Agnes Allan and John Allen in Scotland, United Kingdom. Sources: 1

4 July 1833

Agnes Allan is born to Agnes Allan and John Allen in Scotland, United Kingdom. Sources: 1


Hugh Graham is born to Margaret. Sources: 1

11 March 1847

John Graham is born to Margaret in Edinburgh, Scotland. Sources: 1


Hector McKay is born to Janet Allan and Alexander McKay. Sources: 1

17 March 1848

William Kirkland is born. Sources: 1


John Allan McKay is born to Janet Allan and Alexander McKay. Sources: 1

18 March 1850

James Allan and Jane Sutcliffe marry in Dunedin, New Zealand. Sources: 2

26 December 1850

John Allan is born to James Allan and Jane Sutcliffe. Sources: 1


Agnes Jane McKay is born to Janet Allan and Alexander McKay. Sources: 1


Janet Gow is born. Sources: 1


Janet McKay is born to Janet Allan and Alexander McKay. Sources: 1

16 September 1856

William Oliver is born to Agnes Allan and Adam Oliver. Sources: 1


Isabella McKay is born to Janet Allan and Alexander McKay. Sources: 1

17 December 1858

Joseph Allan is born to James Allan and Jane Sutcliffe at Hopehill, Allanton, New Zealand. Sources: 2


Elizabeth McKay is born to Janet Allan and Alexander McKay. Sources: 1

21 January 1859

Elizabeth Reid is born to Donald Reid. Sources: 2


Jane Allan is born to Joseph Allan and Henrietta Sutcliffe. Sources: 1

23 July 1861

John Allan and Mary Jane Blackie marry in East Taieri, New Zealand. Sources: 2


William H. Allan is born to James Allan and Jane Sutcliffe. Sources: 1


John Blackie Allan is born to John Allan and Mary Jane Blackie. Sources: 1

August 1863

John Allen dies in New Zealand, Oceania. Sources: 2


Jane Blackie Allan is born to John Allan and Mary Jane Blackie. Sources: 1


William Allan is born to John Allan and Mary Jane Blackie. Sources: 1

21 December 1870

James Oliver is born to Agnes Allan and Adam Oliver. Sources: 1

25 August 1871

Adam Oliver Allan is born to James Allan and Jane Sutcliffe. Sources: 1

13 April 1873

Adam Oliver Allan dies. Sources: 1

May 1875

Isabella Margaret Allan is born to Joseph Allan and Henrietta Sutcliffe. Sources: 1

21 April 1877

Isabella Margaret Allan dies. Sources: 1


John Kirkland is born to Janet Gow and William Kirkland. Sources: 2


Hector McKay dies. Sources: 1

1 June 1882

John Allan and Elizabeth Reid marry at Salisbury, Otago, New Zealand. Sources: 2

24 June 1883

Fanny Stewart Allan is born to John Allan and Elizabeth Reid. Sources: 1

26 February 1888

Hugh Graham dies in Brighton, New Zealand. Sources: 1

25 July 1891

Elizabeth Reid dies. Sources: 1

7 June 1895

James Oliver dies. Sources: 1

27 September 1897

John Allan dies. Sources: 1

31 January 1898

Janet Gow dies. Sources: 1


Janet Allan dies. Sources: 1

16 December 1900

Margaret dies in Brighton, New Zealand. Sources: 1


John Allan dies. Sources: 1

4 June 1907

Henrietta Sutcliffe dies. Sources: 1

30 March 1911

Adam Oliver dies in East Taieri, New Zealand. Sources: 1

15 November 1911

John Graham dies in Dunedin, New Zealand. Sources: 1

30 March 1918

Hugh William Graham dies in Hill 3039, Asia. Sources: 1

21 February 1919

William Kirkland dies. Sources: 1

27 June 1922

Agnes Allan dies in East Taieri, New Zealand. Sources: 1

24 July 1923

Jane Sutcliffe dies in Romahapa, New Zealand. Sources: 3

12 January 1929

John Kirkland dies. Sources: 1

27 April 1937

Jane Allan dies. Sources: 1

24 October 1947

Henrietta Sutcliffe Graham dies. Sources: 1


Janet McKay dies. Sources: 1

16 August 1950

Henrietta Allan dies. Sources: 1

16 July 1951

George Edmund Woodhead dies. Sources: 1

30 January 1954

Fanny Stewart Allan dies. Sources: 1

Date Unknown

Date Unknown

Joseph Allan and Henrietta Sutcliffe marry. Sources: 1

Date Unknown

Janet Allan and Alexander McKay marry. Sources: 1

Date Unknown

Hector McKay and Elizabeth Anderson Stewart marry. Sources: 1

Date Unknown

Henrietta Allan and George Edmund Woodhead marry. Sources: 1

Date Unknown

Agnes Tomlinson Allan and John Graham marry. Sources: 1

Date Unknown

Jane Allan and David Lyall Christie marry. Sources: 1

Date Unknown

Arthur Johnson and Isabella Scott Oliver marry. Sources: 1

Date Unknown

Agnes Allan and Hugh Hutchinson Inglis marry. Sources: 1

Date Unknown

Janet Gow and William Kirkland marry. Sources: 1