Amelia Margarita Allan

Female ()

Also Known As


Family Tree


A missionary for the Bolivian Indian Mission.

Margarita was still alive when her father died in 1941.


Date Unknown

Date Known


George Allan and Mary Ann Smail Stirling, with their children Amelia and Joseph, move from Argentina to Cochabamba, Bolivia in order to carry out missionary work for Australasian South American Mission among Quechua people. Sources: 1


George Allan and Mary Ann Smail Stirling return to Dunedin, New Zealand, with their children Amelia and Joseph, following eight years in South America on a mission for the Australasian South American Mission. Sources: 1

25 July 1919

A social gathering is held in Dunedin, New Zealand to mark the departure of Mary Ann Smail Stirling, her daughter Amelia and Miss Elder on missions on behalf of the Bolivian Indian Mission. Sources: 1

4 March 1926

A social gathering is held to mark the departure from New Zealand of Amelia Margarita Allan and Marion Neal on missions on behalf of the Bolivian Indian Mission. Sources: 1

3 December 1936

A social gathering is held in Dunedin, New Zealand to mark the departure of Miss Webster and George Allan on missions to China and Bolivia (respectively). Amelia Margarita Allan and her husband, Thomas Edwin Hudspith, were also welcomed back from Bolivia, on furlough. Sources: 1


