Amelia Margarita Allan ♀ and Thomas Edwin Hudspith ♂ marry. Sources: 2
Amelia Margarita Allan
Female (♀)
Also Known As
- Margarita Allan (♀)
- Amelia Margarita Hudspith (♀)
A missionary for the Bolivian Indian Mission.
Margarita was still alive when her father died in 1941.
Date Unknown
Date Known
Amelia Margarita Allan ♀ is born to George Allan ♂ and Mary Ann Smail Stirling ♀. Sources: 3
George Allan ♂ and Mary Ann Smail Stirling ♀, with their children Amelia and Joseph, move from Argentina to Cochabamba, Bolivia in order to carry out missionary work for Australasian South American Mission among Quechua people. Sources: 1
George Allan ♂ and Mary Ann Smail Stirling ♀ return to Dunedin, New Zealand, with their children Amelia and Joseph, following eight years in South America on a mission for the Australasian South American Mission. Sources: 1
25 July 1919
A social gathering is held in Dunedin, New Zealand to mark the departure of Mary Ann Smail Stirling ♀, her daughter Amelia and Miss Elder on missions on behalf of the Bolivian Indian Mission. Sources: 1
4 March 1926
A social gathering is held to mark the departure from New Zealand of Amelia Margarita Allan ♀ and Marion Neal on missions on behalf of the Bolivian Indian Mission. Sources: 1
3 December 1936
A social gathering is held in Dunedin, New Zealand to mark the departure of Miss Webster and George Allan ♂ on missions to China and Bolivia (respectively). Amelia Margarita Allan ♀ and her husband, Thomas Edwin Hudspith ♂, were also welcomed back from Bolivia, on furlough. Sources: 1
“Bolivian Indian Mission”: Farewell Social. Otago Daily Times, Jul 26, 1919, 12
“Bolivian Indian Mission.” The Press, Mar 4, 1926, 3
- Notes: Occupation (missionary) and employer (BIM).
“Farewell To Missionaries”: Meeting at York Place. Otago Daily Times, Dec 5, 1936, 7
- Event (marriage): Nature of relationship (marriage).
“Obituary”: Mr George Allan. Evening Star, Nov 14, 1941, 4
- Notes: Married surname (Hudspeth), occupation (misisonary), employer (BIM) and still alive in 1941.
“Obituary”: Mr George Allan. Otago Daily Times, Nov 14, 1941, 6
- Notes: Married surname (Hudspeth), occupation (misisonary), employer (BIM) and still alive in 1941..
- Event (birth): Father.
“Obituary”: Mrs George Allan. Otago Daily Times, Feb 27, 1939, 10
- Notes: Married surname (Hudspeth), occupation (missionary) and employer (BIM).
- Event (birth): Mother.
- Event (marriage): Partners.
- Event (birth): Year and parents.